EzASPSite™ Info:
EzASPSite™ is a simple to install complete basic ASP WebSite that can be easily
adapted to fit your Website needs. It contains all the basics to get your very own
ASP driven website up and running in minutes. Powered by the great Web Wiz Forums and
GuestBook. It is ideal for anyone who is looking to create a personal or business website.
It also can be used as a community portal with a membership capability developed off the Web Wiz Forums
core. The integrated html editor makes it easy for those with little html experience to easily design webpages
for their site. This is the best way to get started off with your own website and have the capabilities to
continually expand from.
EzASPSite™ System Requirements:
EzASPSite™ requires web space on a web server that supports ASP 2.0 or above. Without Microsoft ASP 2.0 or above support you can NOT use this application.
General Server Requirements
To run EzASPSite™ your web server needs to be running the following Operating System and Software.
* Windows 98 with PWS 4
* Windows NT 4 with IIS 4, Service Pack 4+, VB Scripting Engine 5+, Microsoft MDAC 2.6+
* Windows 2000 with IIS 5, Microsoft MDAC 2.6+
* Windows XP Pro with IIS 5.1
* Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6
All servers require that you are running Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS) with ASP enabled. This application will NOT run on Unix/Linux web servers.
Server Requirements for the Database
Please ensure that the version of EzASPSite™ you are running meets the database requirements below.
* Microsoft Access Version
Microsoft's MDAC 2.6+ drivers need to be installed on the web server.
* Microsoft SQL Server version (NOT YET AVAILABLE)
A Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or 2000 database is required. Also Microsoft's MDAC 2.6+ drivers need to be installed on the web server.
With the MS Access version of EzASPSite™ ensure that you have sufficient permissions on the directory containing the Access database for the servers IUSR account to write to and modify the Access database (your web host may need to set this for you).
Server Requirements for Email Features
One of the following email components needs to be installed on the web server in order to use the email features of the Web Wiz Forums portion of EzASPSite™. An SMTP server is also required. (not required if not using the email features of the the Web Wiz Forums)
Part of the Windows 2000, Windows XP Pro, and Windows Server 2003, operating system's. An SMTP server is also required
Part of the Windows NT4 and Windows 2000 operating system's, but can be installed on Windows XP Pro and Windows Server 2003. The SMTP server that ships with MS IIS also needs to be installed.
* W3 JMail
Available for most supported operating system's, also requires an SMTP server.
* Persits AspEmail
Available for most supported operating system's, also requires an SMTP server.
* ServerObjects AspMail
Available for most supported operating system's, also requires an SMTP server.
Server Requirements for Upload Features
One of the following upload components needs to be installed on the web server to use the upload features of the Web Wiz Forums portion of EzASPSite™. (not required if not using the upload features of the Web Wiz Forums)
* Persits AspUpload 2+
* Dundas Upload 2+
* SoftArtisans FileUp 3.2+
* aspSmartUpload
* AspSimpleUpload
Client Side Requirements
To use EzASPSite™ the client needs to be running one of the following browsers (other browsers maybe supported but not tested).
* Internet Explorer 4+
* Netscape 4+
* Mozilla (sea monkey and firebird)
* Opera 4+
* K-Meleon 0.7+
To use the Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG) to write posts one of the following browsers are required.
* Internet Explorer 5+ (windows only)
* Netscape 7.1+
* Mozilla 1.3+
* Mozilla Firebird 0.1.6+